วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cisco CCNA Exam Tutorial: Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) It seems simple enough, but there are certainly some details to know for success on the CCNA. In your CCNP study, we introduce additional applications for CDP, but for now just know that CDP is designed, is to provide information about directly connected Cisco routers and switches.

CDP by default between all directly connected Cisco devices. CDP is a Cisco proprietary protocol - ifthe device is directly connected to a Cisco device, you will not have the desired information.

Command CDP is to provide basic information about directly connected neighbors display "show CDP neighbor.

R2 # show cdp neighbor

Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge

S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater

ID of the local device INTRFCE Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID

R1 BRI0167 R 2521 Dialer1

This command is especially useful when troubleshooting Cisco switches. There is no need to see the wiring in a rack of Cisco equipment to track what needs to be changed to a Cisco router when the next show cdp can be used together. In the above output, you can be the remote device the hostname, which is connected to the interface of the remote device to see, with the local device, the ability of the remote device, the remoteHardware platform of the device and the local interface is connected to the remote device.

CDP can be disabled globally and the interface. To disable CDP at the interface, which allows run no cdp enable CDP on the interface and make it again.

CDP CDP timer determines how often transmitted packets, and CDP holdtime defines how long a device will be in possession of a received packet.

To turn off CDP for entire router, do not run CDP. To see the current globalThe state of the race show cdp CDP.

R2 # show cdp

Global CDP information:

Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds

Send a hold time value of 180 seconds

CDP runs by default.

R2 # conf t

R2 (config) # cdp timer 45

R2 (config) # cdp holdtime 100

The CDP timer to be changed.

R2 # show cdp

Global CDP information:

Sending CDP packets every 45 seconds

Send a standby time of 100 seconds

CDP values have been successfullychanged. "The show cdp interface is" the timer information for each interface of the router.

R2 # conf t

R2 (config) # interface BRI0

R2 (config-if) # no cdp enable

CDP is disabled BRI. This is not done to hold the line to make outgoing calls.

R2 # conf t

R2 (config) # no cdp run

CDP is globally disabled.

R2 # show cdp

% CDP is not enabled

CDP has been successfully disabled.

Show cdp neighbor offers a rangeinformation, but if the IP address of your neighbor? Simply show CDP neighbor detail. Receive more information about directly connected neighbors, including your IP address.

SW2 # show cdp neighbor detail


Device ID: R4

Entry address (es):

IP Address:

Platform: Cisco 2520, Capabilities: Router

Interface: FastEthernet0 / 4, Port ID (outgoing port): Ethernet0

Hold Time: 158sec

The details of the CDP are important to you in the labor market and in the CCNA exam room. If you are negotiating a poorly documented network, you can create CDP "walk" through the network and a network for your customers as well. Sometimes the simplest protocols are the most useful!

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วันอังคารที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

CCNA, CCNP, and CCENT Cisco Practice Exam - Radius, OSPF, and More!

Test your knowledge of important Cisco certification exam topics with these practice exam questions!


Short answer: What does "AI" is specified in an OSPF routing table?

Answer: "IA" is an inter-area path - a path to a destination in another area OSPF.


Short answer: Cisco OSPF design guidelines suggest a router have no more than ____________ neighbors.

Answer: Cisco recommends that a single OSPF enabledRouters do not have more than 60 neighbors.


Short Answer: Identify and describe briefly how authentication dot1x port.

Answer: The dot1x port authentication modes are auto, force is allowed (the default) and the force-unauthorized. Authorized strength means that the connection always approved force-unauthorized, the port can not be allowed to transfer ports in the car EAP packets to and approved only if the authentication server allows.


Identify the true statements.

A. RADIUS believes that each "A" in a separate process AAA.

B. TACACS + takes all "A" in a separate process AAA.

C. TACACS + is the encryption of the entire package is possible.

D. RADIUS is the encryption of the entire package is possible.

Answer: B, C. RADIUS combines effectively the process of authentication and authorization, which makes it very difficult to make a run, but not others. Although TACACS + encrypts the entire packet,RADIUS encrypts only the password of the client-server.


What are the four predefined priorities in Wi-Fi Multimedia?

Answer: Platinum (language), gold (for video), silver (for everything else - best-effort) and bronze (background traffic).

In search of a more practical applications for Cisco certification exam on my website and these new questions for the CCNA Security, Wireless and Voice-test!

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cisco CCNP Certification 642-901 BSCI Exam Tutorial: EIGRP adjacencies and secondary addresses

I read quite a few Cisco documentation that EIGRP will not allow adjacencies to form when using secondary addresses. This is wrong, but it is a common misconception that if both addresses can not be secondary. Let's look at R2 and R3 are using secondary addresses to form an EIGRP adjacency.

R2 (config) # interface Ethernet0

R2 (config-if) # ip address

R2 (config-if) # ip address

R2 (config) # router eigrp 100

R2 (config-router) # no auto-summary

R2 (config-router) # network

R3 (config) # interface Ethernet0

R3 (config-if) # ip address

R3 (config-if) # ip address secondary

R3 (config) # router eigrp 100

R3 (config-router) # no auto-summary

R3 (config-router) # network

Here is the part of the production of IP EIGRP neighbor showR3

R3 # show ip EIGRP neighbors

IP-EIGRP neighbors for process-100

H Address Interface

0 ET0

Adjacency has formed! Note: The address is actually the primary IP address for the interface, even if we used the number of secondary network command in EIGRP network. I personally stay away from the numbers of secondary network, if possible, but you should know that the secondary IP addresses can be used to create EIGRPvicinity.

What is the common mistake by using the secondary address has asked? That is, if an address is on the same subnet addressing the main interface to a neighbor and interface secondary to a different address. Suppose we had R2 and R3 configured as follows:

R2 (config) # int e0

R2 (config-if) # ip address

R3 (config) # interface Ethernet0

R3 (config-if) # ip address

R3 (config-if) # ip address secondary

R2, you get this message:

01:54:05: IP-EIGRP: Neighbor not on common subnet for Ethernet0 (

Since R2 is configured as the primary address interface has the look EIGRP process with the primary interface address potential neighbors. Since R3 is the first Ethernet0 address, you get the "not on common subnet" error message - and what he does not, is an adjacency! This is somethingconsciously on your BSCI 642-901 exam as well as working with networks EIGRP in production.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Free Cisco CCNA Tutorial

The startup sequence based on a Cisco router is as follows:

Step 1: The router performs a Power On Self Test (POST) to discover and verify the hardware.
Step 2: The router loads and runs bootstrap code from ROM.
Step 3: The router provides the IOS or other software and charging.
Step 4: The router is the configuration file and loads it into running configuration.

All routers attempt all four steps every time the router is powered on or reloaded. POST codes and functionscan not be changed by your router. The position of the bootstrap code to load the IOS and configuration file can be edited by the administrator, but it is almost always the default location for the bootstrap code (ROM) and the initial configuration (NVRAM). Thus the position of duties or other software, is the only part that usually changes. Three types of operating systems can be loaded into the router:

• The complete IOS image, which generallyLocation of flash memory, but can also find a TFTP server. This is the normal, full-function IOS used in production;
• A limited IOS feature that is in ROM, and provides basic IP connectivity, if the flash memory is faulty and you need IP connectivity, a new IOS in flash memory to be copied. This limited IOS feature is called RXBOOT mode.
• It is another operating system IOS, which is also stored in ROM. This operating system, called ROM Monitor (ROMMON) mode is used forDebugging low level and password recovery. If you do not recover your password, rarely using the ROMMON mode.

The register configuration of the router says if a full-featured IOS ROMMON mode, RXBOOT to use. The registry is a 16-bit recording software in the router, and its value is the command configregister global configuration. The boot camp is the name of low-bit 4 of the Registry. This field can be a 4-bit --Value, represented as a single hexadecimal digit. If the boot sector is hex 0 ROMMON is loaded. If the boot sector is 1 hex, so RXBOOT is used. For everything else, you load a full-featured IOS.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cisco CCNA 640-802 - CCENT Certification Exam Training - Frame Relay LMI and LMI Auto Sense

For success on your CCENT and CCNA 640-802 exam, you must understand why and how Frame Relay LMI voices. You need this for networking in the real world knows, as well as Frame Relay is prevalent in today's networks - and without LMI, you have no frame-relay!

Local Management Interface (LMI), messages sent between the DCE, typically the service provider and the DTE, the Cisco router. LMI Status messages serve as keepalives for the connection frame. IfKeepalives are not continually decrease both the DCE and DTE are part of the revenue. The LMI also indicates the status of PVC on the router, against active or inactive.

LMI types must be produced on the DTE and DCE game for PVC. There are three types of LMI:

Cisco (default)



The LMI type can be changed with the LMI frame-type command. Before you do anything with the frame-relay commands, but we needallow frame relay interface with the command encapsulation frame relay. Remember, the default encapsulation on a Cisco HDLC interface serial.

R1 (config) # interface Serial0

R1 (config-if) # encapsulation?

ATM-ATM-DXI encapsulation DXi

Frame Relay Frame Relay

Serial HDLC synchronous HDLC

LAPB LAPB (X.25 Level 2)

PPP Point-to-Point Protocol

SMD Switched Megabit Data Service(SMDS)

x25 X.25

R1 (config-if) # encapsulation frame-relay

R1 (config-if) # frame-relay LMI type?




We have the code for the LMI, as in this example, and there is no other way for LMI to comply with the remote DCE. LMI Auto Sense, the router sends a message of LMI status for all three types of LMI.

The router then waits for a response to one of the LMI-type from the DCE. If the router sees the response toAutomatic detection of LMI messages, the router sends only the same type of LMI has received from the DCE.

In rare cases - such as the CCNA exam, can perhaps:) - does not match the LMI frame. Let's take a look at this scenario, the next installment of my exclusive use Cisco CCENT / CCNA 640-802 certification exam tutorial series!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

IPv6 Training (Cisco) - IPv6 Delegating Router Configuration

Hours to delegate to a Cisco router with the interface to the valley, like a router (DHCPv6 server) that leads Prefix Delegation for a given request Router (DHCP clients) will act, and also for a group of RR (DHCP client) using a DHCP server for IPv6 pool configuration, you must perform the following 10 steps:

1. Router> Enable
2. Router # configure terminal
3. Router (config) # IPv6 dhcp pool pool name
4. Router (dhcp-config) # domain-name domain
5.Router (dhcp-config) # dns-server IPv6 address of DNS server
6. Router (dhcp-config) # prefix-delegation client ipv6-prefix/prefix-length-DUID [IAID] [Life]
7. Router (dhcp-config) # prefix-delegation pool pool name [Lifetime (valid for life | life preferred)]
8. Router (dhcp-config) # exit
9. Router (config) # interface type number
10. Router (config-if) # IPv6 DHCP server pool name

Steps explained

Step 1: Router> enable

If the router into PrivilegedExec mode

Stage 2: router # configure terminal

If the router in Global Configuration Mode

Step 3: Router (config) # IPv6 local DHCP pool

If you configure a DHCP server configuration information for IPv6 pool with the name of "local use" and places in the DR router DHCP for IPv6 pool configuration mode.

Step 4: Configure the router (DHCP) # domain-name domain.com

Used to specify that all resource record (DHCP client) to use the domain name"domain.com".

Step 5: Configure the router (DHCP) # dns-server 2001:0 DC8: 4000:4000:: 52

Used to specify the DNS server (via the IPv6 address), which will be available upon request from the router (RR) / DHCP client.

Step # 6: config router (DHCP) # prefix delegation 2001:0 DC8: 1463:: / 48 0007000700F1A6E070D01

Used to specify that the prefix manually configured IPv6 numeric "2001:0 DC8: 1463:: / 48 is" only in the RR (DHCP client) to identify, has delegatedAssociation Identifier (IAID) from "0007000700F1A6E070D01. In other words: In this step, you determine that damage the DR (DHCP server), a specific IPv6 prefix to a specific RR (DHCP client).

Step 7: config router (DHCP) # domain-prefix-prefix-delegation pool life Pool 3600 60

Used to indicate that serve the IPv6 local prefix with the name "domain"-prefix-pool "for IPv6 Prefix Delegation for the RRS (DHCP client) observation period. In other words: In this step, you definedelegation that the router (DR), the domain "-prefix-pool", to delegate IPv6 prefixes to all other applicants router (RR).

Now, in case you wonder if "life" of the word is used to configure the IPv6 prefix length. But remember, if you use the word "life" with the prefix "pool delegation of power," is to configure the valid "Life" (3600) and the preferred one-off "(60) options.

The "good" life-cycle (3600) displays the time the option ispermitted (in seconds) that an IPv6 prefix by prefix delegation remains Pool "Request Router (RR), using valid, and the preferred one-off (60) switch is used to indicate the time allowed (in seconds) that the prefix IPv6 to be a RR from the prefix-delegation-pool "on vacation RR preferred.

Step # 8: config router (DHCP) # exit

Permission to leave the router DHCP pool configuration for IPv6, and enter global configuration mode.

Step 9:Router (config) # interface serial 0 / 0

Allows the DR-configuration mode for interface serial 0 / 0 interface.

Step # 10: Router config (-if) # ipv6 prefix DHCP server-delegation pool

DR says the router serial 0 / 0-interface, which is like a DHCPv6 server and implement the IPv6 local prefix with the name "domain"-prefix-pool "for use prefix delegation. Another way of saying, This is in step 10, you enable the DHCP for IPv6Service to the serial 0 / 0 interface that goes to the IPv6 prefix with the name of "local" domain-prefix-pool "for the prefix delegation's request for the use of RR.

I urge you to visit my website, you have to find the latest information regarding Cisco IPv6 Design and technical implementation.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Famous Cisco Ethernet Switches

Have you ever thought of a Cisco Ethernet switch for you and your computer network? They are designed for home offices and small businesses, and large networks too large. Switch will certainly contribute to the network, most of your resources.

Compared to a hub, switch to connect wired computers to the best. This is due to superior intelligence in relation to reading data that is sent from a computer. A hub connects multiple computers and prevents. ASwitch, however, requires a little 'reading the data it receives. E 'to complement the information that makes a quick analysis and data that other computers on the network have the same information. In this way the data is sent to a limited number of computers alone.

This function of a switch as the checkpoint actually help to prevent network collisions. Since the pipes are not clogged with useless information, use network resources more efficiently. The messages are sent not only toand received more quickly. They are sent and received simultaneously.

A hub should be the job if you make no more than three computers on the network for the connection. More than a change that will certainly help to speed things up and helping the network to operate more efficiently. Here are some things to switches.

The type of option you should get depends on the size of the network and how they look at things. There are those that are rack mounted, desktop-like and the chassisOnes.

Depending on the configuration you have the un-managed switches and managed switches to choose from. Must be for small businesses and home offices, only the un-managed switch. They are less complicated. All you have to do is install them, and are ready to go. More complex networks will need the support of managed switches, so that the user can modify the settings according to the needs of the network. There are two types of managed switches. A smart or intelligent switches,Fully managed or companies run counter switch is successful only to a limited extent. Fully managed switches allow the user complete control over settings.

With so many brands and models vary, these Ethernet switches greatly in terms of price. Not more than two hundred dollars and fifty able to raise prices as high as twenty thousand dollars. Of course, all this depends on the characteristics. So make sure you get only what you need, nothing more and nothing less. Do not go for a 24Doors if you only have four or eight. Other features that are making a difference in prices for Gigabit Ethernet connectivity, tools for easy deployment, the possibility for greater LAN services and so on.

We see no need to go very far for an Ethernet switch quality. Cisco Ethernet switch, with all types of cards. They offer a series of decisions of industrial switches to the home office desk. Cisco Switch SR224, for example, can be configured with aRack-mount installation, and can also be set on a desktop.

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วันพุธที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

IPv6 Training (Cisco) - How EIGRPv6 turn on a Cisco router

Ask some of you may wonder why write an article on how EIGRPv6 on a Cisco router, when I already know how to do?

Well, to answer your question, so that EIGRP is running on a router to an IPv6 network, is a bit 'different to enable EIGRP on a router is running on an IPv4 network.

Meaning, a router that is running on an IPv6 network that had EIGRP (EIGRPv6) enabled for the interface, rather than globally as a router, based onIt would be an IPv4 network. Then, in other words, the EIGRPv6 activation on a Cisco router, it is not necessary to use the "net" command when the router configuration mode on the router.

Instead, you must perform the following steps:

1. Router> Enable
2. Router # configure terminal
3. Router (config) # ipv6 unicast-routing
4. Router (config) # interface type number
5. Router (config-enable if) # IPv6
6. Router (config-if) # ipv6 eigrp AS-number
7.Router (config-if) # no shutdown
8. Router (config-if) # ipv6 router eigrp AS-number
9. Router (config-router) # ID (Router IP Address | IPv6)
10. Router (config-router) # no shutdown
11. Router (config-router) # exit
12. Router (config) # exit
13. Router # copy start run

Steps explained

Step # 1

1. Router> Enable

Mette router mode Privileged EXEC.

Step # 2

2. Router # configureTerminal

She sets the rules for configuring the router in the world.

Step 3

3. Router (config) # ipv6 unicast-routing

Configure your router to route IPv6 packets

Step # 4

4. Router (config) # interface FastEthernet 0 / 0

Specifies the FastEthernet 0 / 0-interface should be configured EIGRPv6.

Step # 5

5. Router (config-enable if) # IPv6

Enables IPv6 processing on the FastEthernet 0 / 0Interface.

Step # 6

6. Router (config-if) # IPv6 EIGRP 1

EIGRP allows for the process of IPv6 on the FastEthernet 0 / 0-Interface.

Step # 7

7. Router (config-if) # no shutdown

Starts the EIGRP for IPv6 protocol (procedure), without changing a configuration for the interface.

Step # 8

8. Router (config-if) # IPv6 EIGRP router 1

If the router in router configuration mode and creates an EIGRP for IPv6 routingTrial.

Step # 9

9. Router (config-router) # ID (Router IP Address | IPv6)

Allows you to use the router to a fixed router ID. (Remember, each router ID must be unique)

Step # 10

10. Router (config-router) # no shutdown

Insert EIGRPv6 routing process into "no shutdown" mode to start the EIGRPv6 too.

Step # 11

11. Router (config-router) # exit

Returns the global configuration routerMode

Step # 12

12. Router (config) # exit

Is the router privileged EXEC mode.

Step # 13

13. Router # copy start run

Save the contents of the running-config to local Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM).

I urge you to visit my website, you have to find the latest information regarding Cisco IPv6 Design and technical implementation.

To your success,

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วันอังคารที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

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The mobile workforce needs the ability to communicate with customers, partners, and fellow workers anywhere, anytime and have access to relevant business applications, tools to carryout business effectively. Enterprise mobility is about providing ubiquitous connectivity to the mobile user, independent of the devices and access technologies. Mobile IP, an IETF standard (RFC 2002), allows a host device to be identified by a single IP address even though the device may move its physical point of attachment from one network to another.

Regardless of movement between different networks, connectivity at the different points is achieved seamlessly without user intervention. Roaming from a wired network to a wireless or wide-area network is also done with ease. Mobile IP provides ubiquitous connectivity for users, whether they are within their enterprise networks or away from home. Mobile IP is part of both IPv4 and IPv6 standards.

Cisco IOS Software has supported Mobile IP since Releases 12.0(1)T. Key Mobile IP components include Home Agent, Foreign Agent, Mobile Node, and Mobile Networks.