For success on your CCENT and CCNA 640-802 exam, you must understand why and how Frame Relay LMI voices. You need this for networking in the real world knows, as well as Frame Relay is prevalent in today's networks - and without LMI, you have no frame-relay!
Local Management Interface (LMI), messages sent between the DCE, typically the service provider and the DTE, the Cisco router. LMI Status messages serve as keepalives for the connection frame. IfKeepalives are not continually decrease both the DCE and DTE are part of the revenue. The LMI also indicates the status of PVC on the router, against active or inactive.
LMI types must be produced on the DTE and DCE game for PVC. There are three types of LMI:
Cisco (default)
The LMI type can be changed with the LMI frame-type command. Before you do anything with the frame-relay commands, but we needallow frame relay interface with the command encapsulation frame relay. Remember, the default encapsulation on a Cisco HDLC interface serial.
R1 (config) # interface Serial0
R1 (config-if) # encapsulation?
ATM-ATM-DXI encapsulation DXi
Frame Relay Frame Relay
Serial HDLC synchronous HDLC
LAPB LAPB (X.25 Level 2)
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
SMD Switched Megabit Data Service(SMDS)
x25 X.25
R1 (config-if) # encapsulation frame-relay
R1 (config-if) # frame-relay LMI type?
We have the code for the LMI, as in this example, and there is no other way for LMI to comply with the remote DCE. LMI Auto Sense, the router sends a message of LMI status for all three types of LMI.
The router then waits for a response to one of the LMI-type from the DCE. If the router sees the response toAutomatic detection of LMI messages, the router sends only the same type of LMI has received from the DCE.
In rare cases - such as the CCNA exam, can perhaps:) - does not match the LMI frame. Let's take a look at this scenario, the next installment of my exclusive use Cisco CCENT / CCNA 640-802 certification exam tutorial series!
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