The prestigious Cisco CCNA certification is to get even more prestigious later this year - and by all accounts, more! The current 640-801 exam is November 6 expire, so that candidates prepare for a long period of this review. 640-802 The new test is actually introduced on 1 August, so that CCNA candidates an option to take the exam.
Naturally, CCNA candidates have a lot of questions about these changes. I prepared for thisFAQ to answer common questions that arrive in my inbox. If your question is not answered here, please send your questions simple and could in the next questions are!
Q: Should I start studying for the exam 640-801?
A: Absolutely not. In fact, this should help to accelerate your efforts! Cisco has been kind enough to maintain control over 6 November, in order to have more than enough time to pass the current version. As I am sure there will be some640-802 study tools available soon, you're not a great choice, by the end of this year. Do not delay your career or studies - hit the books, and enter the 640-801!
Was a personal note, I have taken Cisco certification exams for almost a decade, and exams from other vendors for about 14 years, and I've never been great in the new audit. Some people like to do this, however, is all a matter of personal taste.
D. What I heardfurther Cisco certification is offered?
A. Cisco no longer views the CCNA as an entry-level examination, and I think it's a fantastic change. Personally I have taught and written CCNA materials for several years, and I never thought for entry-level CCNA. If you have problems OSPF virtual links, you are not working at entry level!
Cisco has recognized the need for an entry-level certification, and that is why we developed the CCENT(Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician) certification. I am more than in a later article, but worth CCENT is not required, to a CCNA.
Question: Is there still a test of sense and a two-way test for CCNA?
A: Yes, and here I expect to earn more difficult to establish one way or another. If you choose the two tests so, are a reality in two ICND exams - ICND 1 (640-822) and ICND 2 (640-816). INTRO examining the current CCNA path will be the November 6 deadline, along with the current ICND and CCNA exams. If you test the route with two, passing the ICND 1 exam will be a CCENT.
Question: What topics will be rejected if the test is passed 640-801?
A. Following the trend of other Cisco exams, the 640-802 tests do not test on ISDN. That is the only major issue I see so far, will be deleted.
Question: What topics will be added?
A. A * lot * of them. After> Draft Cisco CCNA, you can expect questions on Voice over IP, wireless watch, Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), SSH, and wireless security. This is a guess, but I would have expected to see more about router and switch security as well.
Judging from this list, I expect that is the 640-802 CCNA exam on even greater challenge than the current version. As I said, you have plenty of time to the current version on! ;)
See your question answered here? Send CCNA question is, and says you can see in the next CCNA certification FAQ!